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Why This Page

We are tired of the lies

A blog exists online that attempts to discredit the story of Parker and Bluesky Adkins.  If you search on Google, you will find it.  We Adkins descendants vigorously defend our family history, history that has been passed down through many different branches of the family who are otherwise strangers to each other.  Most of us 'met' online, either on various genealogical websites or on social media. 


How do strangers across the United States (and beyond!) share a similar Adkins oral history that includes many of the same elements - the same names, the same geographies, the same relationships, the same cultures and life ways


In addition to the oral histories we share, DNA work on our family group has been coordinated by Ms. Dorene Soiret, and results have been analyzed and confirmed by experts.  Those results clearly show the relationship shared between our Adkins ancestors, Parker and Bluesky Adkins, and their children Charity and Littleberry Adkins.


Dorene's Webpage makes a case for Bluesky and Parker Adkins.  View it HERE:  



The author of the blog that our Adkins' group has issues with tries to make it look like these facts are impossible, and that we are incapable of defending our family history with facts to back up our claims.  She has worked both on her blog and on the genealogical sites where she is a volunteer moderator to wipe out any remnant of our family history. 


The blog author is an artist.  To our knowledge (and of course we could be wrong), she holds no academic background that requires any scientific or methodological research.  When asked about her credentials, she does not give details. 


Even when given evidence - textual and genetic - she refuses to recant the lies that she seems to tell about our family.


The worst part is - that the blog writer seems hell-bent on portraying Native Americans as savages.  She appears to be power-drunk because she holds a position on genealogical websites where she seemingly attempts to erase all ties to our Native American ancestry.  We believe she is racist, and the 'Racism!' page on this site will delve into that. 


This website isn't really about her, however.  All of this is happening because some people don't understand the importance of including oral family histories as part of a comprehensive body of research, and this blogger falls into that category.  The link above for 'Inclusion of Oral History' will discuss this challenge in more detail, so don't forget to click on that page too. 


But the meantime, this website will discuss errors on her page, so read on:



© 2021  Website created by Adkins Family Forum, all rights reserved

© 2021  Website created by Linda Rideout, all rights reserved

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